Saturday, May 30, 2020





Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Cars Classic For Girls 

Many different categories of toys have historically been viewed as gender-specific. Dolls and toy trucks are just two of the many examples of toys designed with either girls or boys in mind. However, many toys have begun crossing gender lines. Progressive parents have begun allowing their child to choose toys based on their own interests, rather than gender stereotypes. Many toys that have traditionally been designed for boys - toy trucks, for example - are now being designed with girls in mind. Take, for example, the pedal car.
The pedal car has been produced practically since the beginning of the automobile. In the 1930s, little boys drove around red or blue pedal cars designed to look like the real vehicles their fathers drove. Today, pedal car makers produce a wide array of ride-on toys, including gender neutral designs as well as ones that will specifically be of interest to girls.

Cheap Classic Car Insurance Cover

Do you own a car over fifteen years old? If you do you may well be entitled to cover it under what is known in the industry as a classic car insurance policy. In the past there were many more restrictions on cover under this type of policy and specialist motor insurance brokers and insurance companies were very particular about the type, age make and models of the cars they wished to cover on their books.
Times have changed and technology has led to many more cars now fitting into a bracket that was once reserved for the glamourous, collector and vintage car owners.  It is now possible to obtain both cheap quotes and  classic car covers online from many providers including the majority of those famous high street brands, who have realised that nearly fifty percent of the cars on the road now fall within the strict underwriting parameters for classic car policies. Consequently premiums in this market, which were always cheaper than standard cover, have become much more competitive in recent years, with the entry into the market of many of the larger insurance companies.