Thursday, April 30, 2009

15 Top Articles on Color Trends

Click on picture to go to Article.

  Reinventing Blue

  Turquoise Aquamarine Turquoise Aquamarine

 Farrow & Ball Launch 18 New Colors Farrow & Ball Launch 18 New Colors

 Beige IS Magic Beige is Magic

 The Color Purple The Color Purple

 The Best Yellows The Best Yellows

 Think Pink Think Pink

 Color of the Year - Mimosa Color of the Year

 Blue the new Black Blue is the New Black

 The Color Orange The Color Orange

 Turquoise Bliss Turquoise Bliss

 Back to Black Back to Black

 White Bedrooms White Bedrooms

 Beautiful Brown Beautiful Brown

Benjamin Moore Virtual Fan Deck Pink for Spring

Green Chic Green Chic

Patricia Gray Inc is an award winning Interior Design firm in Vancouver who blogs about Lifestyle and WHAT'S HOT in the world of Interior Design.
2011 © Patricia Gray | Interior Design Blog™

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Friday Flowers {On Thursday}

I am posting my weekly Friday flower arrangement today {Thursday} as I am signing off a little early this week. I hope you have a nice weekend and I look forward to catching up with you all next week.


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Recent Project

We worked around the client's existing bed head above and just added the lamps and bed cushions.

Here are a few snippets of a house I just finished working on. We re-used a few of the client's existing pieces and added some new pieces and lots of pretty fabrics to freshen up the home.

Today I Love...

I love this green and white gingham slip covered armchair with the lace trim detail along the bottom hemline. Such a pretty chair sitting on my favourite white painted floorboards.

Image - Country Home via Mary Ruffle

Interview on All The Best

The following is an interview posted today on me by Ronda Carman on her fabulous Blog: All The Best Profile: Patricia Gray by Ronda Carman

I adore the words of Jan de Luz, "Style…isn’t something that you apply like hand cream. It comes from within, as an emanation from your own being.” Vancouver based interior designer Patricia Gray is the perfect case in point. For those of us who follow her blog, we are well versed in Patricia’s inimitable style. Her designs are both studied and precise, while being completely livable and inviting. It is one of the main reasons Patricia never fails to excite and inspire. As I have alluded to numerous times, my design tastes run the spectrum. Patricia’s timeless and classic designs, with an undeniable modern edge, are the perfect prescription for my neuroses. Patricia received her training at the Parson's School of Design in Paris. She is a member of the Inter-Society Color Council of New York, the National Council for Interior Design, the Interior Designers of Canada and a certified Feng-Shui practitioner. Patricia's portfolio includes feature projects throughout the US and Canada, as well as in Japan, Singapore and Africa. A few notable design clients include John Travolta and Rob Feenie.

How would you describe your design style?
I like furniture to have good lines, rooms to have good ‘bones',
juxtaposition of good antiques and artwork with modern design.

What inspires your creativity and designs? Travel, being around young people, the ocean and the desert.

What is your most prized possession? I don’t know if you could call her a ‘possession” but my 4 ½ pound Yorkshire Terrier, Nicole.

What is the one thing in life you cannot live without?
My cup of coffee in the morning.

Who are your style icons?
Interior Designers: Michael Taylor, Andree Putman, Antonio Citterio Fashion: Coco Chanel, Dianna Vreeland

Who would you most like to collaborate with on a project?
The great Albert Hadley.

What is your favorite luxury in life?
Travel. The best holiday I ever gave myself was a cruise from Rio to Barcelona.
10 days at sea crossing the Atlantic. It was the most relaxing time I have ever had. Nowhere to go, nothing to do….eat, sleep, eat some more.

What is your idea of earthly happiness? Clients that allow me be creative.

Past or present who has most influenced your direction in life?
My Mother for nurturing my creativity in childhood. My Father for teaching me good values: integrity, self reliance, and perseverance.

Who would you most like to meet and how would you spend the day? The dowager Queen Noor of Jordan. I have admired her for years from a TV interview with Larry King. Her style and humanitarianism left an indelible impression on me. However she would like to spend it!!

Profile by Ronda Carman
To see this interview in full visit All The Best and please leave a comment for Ronda.
Thank-you Ronda!!!
Photos by Roger Brooks

Patricia Gray writes about 'WHAT'S HOT 'in the world of Interior Design, new and emerging trends, modern design,
architecture, and travel, as well as how your surroundings can influence the world around you.
© Patricia Gray Interior Design Blog, 2009

Happy Thought

Pretty House

Amanda posted this gorgeous house yesterday so I don't want to steal her thunder however, I do really love this exterior shot with the billowing sheer curtains. Isn't it gorgeous? You must go and see the rest of the house on Amanda's blog.

Monday, April 27, 2009

A Little Flower Arranging Spot

And just in case I didn't post enough images to get you excited about a flower shed yesterday, here's one more. Although I think this one is a little corner in a kitchen. I just love the mix of blue and white china, fresh flowers, old family photographs and the pretty little wall lights.

Image - House Beautiful via Mary Ruffle

Outdoor Inspiration!

While looking for inspiration for doing an outdoor area for one of our clients, I came across these images from Elle Decor that I just loved. Its great when the deck can feel like another room in the house! I just can't wait to get started on this project. Tracey xx

Celebrities Love Chinese Laundry!

Everyone loves Chinese Laundry, especially celebrities.
Check out the pictures below.

Vanessa Hudgens in Turbo (image provided by

Kourtney Kardashian in Turbo

Vanessa Hudgens in Sudoku (image provided by

Tasha Smith in All In

Jill Scott in Edwina

Sunday, April 26, 2009

A Flower Shed

One day I would love to have a flower shed in which I could arrange flowers and store all of my vases and baskets and garden things. In my perfect flower shed I would have a large sink, a large work bench, lots of shelving and places to hang baskets and buckets. I would also have a pretty spot for some lovely old chairs where I could sit and drink tea with a friend whilst I contemplated my next arrangement!! I must get this book above called Shed Chic as I am sure it would provide lots more inspiration for my little flower shed.

Image 1 & 2 via Belle Maison Blog

Glamorous Times

Following on from my vintage fashion posters which I posted last week...

I am very inspired by the style and grace of these women. Look at the beautiful dress Grace Kelly is wearing in the bottom image. I just adore the green and white floral fabric it is made in. On another note, look at the curved banquettes which are made in white painted lattice. There is just so much inspiration in these beautiful images.

Image 1 -, Image 2 - Grace Kelly via Porchlight Interiors Blog

Friday, April 24, 2009

All That Glitters is Gold

It is true! Check out these hot gold metallics. Most of these are brand new styles for Spring.

Whirl Bootsy Burnette
RyeOkinawa Sahara