Thursday, July 30, 2009

Mirror, Mirror!

Mirrors are such an easy way to add glamour to a space as reflected in these gorgeous images via Martha Stewart. I love the mirrored wall in the first pic with the mirrored console sitting in front - stunning! As for the next pic, the mercury glass light fixture reflected in the 4 framed mirrors looks fabulous! Hope you have all enjoyed your week so far - sorry for the lack of posts but we have been dealing with sick kids while trying to get things organised before our trip to Melbourne on the weekend! Life is so crazy at times.


images via
I came across this lovely home in Portland Rd, London
and was taken in by the the contrasting colours and
styles so I thought I would share.
The images were taken by Shoot Factory in the UK 
and can be viewed also on

That's All Folks

Well, that's all from me this week. I am taking an early mark and heading away for a few days. I'd just like to thank the Skirted Girls again for having me over at their table this week. I really did have such a wonderful time. Thank you also for all of the beautiful comments you have left me this week too. You are all very, very kind. Looking forward to being back here next Tuesday. Have a great weekend!!

Image via Lolitas blog

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Blue & White Lamp Heaven

I am so excited to say that we finally have some beautiful blue and white lamps available at Black & Spiro. As you can see above the girls have just unpacked them this morning and they are about to be put into the shop. We have some white crackle lamps and some really great orange lamps available too. Oh, and we also have some more new blue and white ginger jars which just came in this morning as well...just in case anyone is interested!!

Off to the shows!!

see you soon!

Talking Around The Skirted Round Table

A huge thank you to Linda, Megan & Joni for inviting me to their Skirted Round Table for a chat. I had a fantastic time talking with you all yesterday. If anyone is interested in hearing our discussion click HERE to be directed over to The Skirted Round Table.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Odd Spaces

We all have those odd ball spaces in our homes. Those spaces your not quite sure what to do with. Rethink them! Make them useful or decortive. You can put a shelf or a small chest there. Know your space and what you need !

Monday, July 27, 2009

Vintage Chairs

Sorry about the terrible photos however, I just had to snap a few shots of these pretty chairs I recently had recovered for one of my clients. They were her mother's chairs which we have worked into her lounge room scheme. We covered them in a black and white ticking and had box pleated skirts put around the base of them. I wanted to keep the timber frame in it's original condition so as to show the age of the chairs.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Style File: Modern Cottage

I love this kitchen.. thats all. Its sunday, so just some personal eye candy I like. (Click on post title for link about this kitchen)

Friday, July 24, 2009

HARDWARE [hahrd-wair]: (noun) - metalware, as tools, locks, hinges, or cutlery.

AKA - Fashion Must Have.




Newcastle- $79
Landice- $69
Makers- $69
Ulysses- $69

Contemporary Designer Recliners

Orbit Recliner 
Orbit  Contemporary Designer Recliners

I am not usually a fan of recliners.  The traditional overstuffed giant recliners tend to be a white elephant in a room.  So needless to say  I was very happy  while researching seating for a media room to come across these contemporary well designed recliners in the UK.  They describe this recliner as: "One of their best selling recliners which reclines, swings, swivels and orbits to your desire"....and it claims to be "seriously comfortable".

Dakota Swivel Recliner

Dakota Contemporary Designer Swivel Recliners

The mechanism for these contemporary designer recliners operates by leaning back on the chair and using your body weight to hold back.

What do you think? 
Would you have one of these seriously fun contemporary designer recliners in your home?

Patricia Gray writes about 'WHAT'S HOT 'in the world of Interior Design, new and emerging trends, modern design,
architecture, and travel, as well as how your surroundings can influence the world around you.
© Patricia Gray Interior Design Blog, 2009

Thursday, July 23, 2009

My Holiday to LA

My husband & I took our three children on a wonderful summer holiday during the July holidays. We stayed on the gorgeous Santa Monica beach for a whole week. We hired bikes, ate out at some amazing restaurants and then drove to San Francisco along the Coast road.
I will post more pictures in the next few weeks. Life has been busy at our place as we are getting our house ready to sell very soon. While we were away, I had plenty of tradesmen doing our new bathroom renovation and other various things. So the first thing I had to do when I walked in the door from our trip was vacuum. How enthralling!!
Hope you all have a very restful weekend.

Friday Flowers

Here are some beautiful tulips which I just arranged in a vintage jug for the shop. I love this little corner in the shop at the moment and these fresh tulips fit right in. I hope you have a great weekend. See you next time!


What stunning, inspiring images these interiors and exteriors are from interior designers Bonesteel Trout Hall. I came across this lovely website via Katie Did blog this week and these are a few of my favourite images.

Cupboard Makeover

I have an old cupboard at home just like this one however, at the moment mine certainly isn't looking as chic as this one.

At the shop I have lots of bits of left over wallpaper from displays we have done. I'm thinking I might use some of these bits to paper the back of my cupboard door.

My little cupboard is in a hallway near our kitchen and currently it is bursting at the seams with sheets and towels. I think I should move the sheets and towels into my larger laundry cupboard and fill this little one with some of my special pieces of china.

This pretty image has inspired me.

Image - Vogue Living

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Allure August 09

Check out the latest issue of Allure Magazine! Our ultra chic motorcycle boot "Taylor" by Dirty Laundry received a great credit!

Check out rocking the black version

available at $69

From the Files

This image {above} is one I've kept on file since mid last year. It's from an article Inside Out magazine did {May/June 2008 issue} on former Vogue Entertaining & Travel & Vogue Living Editor, Sharyn Storrier Lyneham's home.

After spotting this image in my files earlier this week I remembered that Vogue Living had done a story on Sharyn's home too {January/February 2008 issue}. I found a copy of the story and thought I would post the image Vogue Living published of this very same room.

I just adore the look of this sunroom - it's so fresh and pretty, inviting and mismatched and how divine are the fresh Hydrangeas?! Apparently those to die for cushions on the cane chairs are vintage.

These days Sharyn is in partnership with Australian Fashion Queen Belinda Seper in their unique concept store, Edit.

Image 1 - Inside Out Magazine, Image 2 - Vogue Living via Edit

Looking Forward To This...

Michelle Adams is at it again with her business partner, photographer Patrick Cline. Here's what they are about to launch into;

{Excerpt taken from M.A. Belle}

In a time when shelter publications are turning their last pages...

OUR MISSION is to reopen the doors of accessible design. By embracing an online platform we provide inspiration at the click of a finger, directly connecting our readers to their favorite products and resources. Our freedom from page limits means that we can share more content in each issue, delivering an intimate look into the way people really live. At Lonny, we value independent thinking and believe not in following trends but rather in making choices that lead to happiness. We believe that good design and affordable design can coexist and that true inspiration can be found in the teeniest of homes or in the grandest of spaces.

Coming Fall 2009 ;)

I will definitely be checking back for updates on their new venture!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

LoftLife Magazine

For those of you who haven't checked out the magazine LoftLife Magazine - The Loft Style Guide to Life in the City, it is a must read. And I don't say that only because I am on their 'Board of Experts' - the Editors and Creative Directors at LoftLife Magazine are top notch. Their style and editorials are fresh, relevant and timely. Last fall Kyra Shapurji, Managing Editor and Linden Hass, Photo Editor of LoftLife Magazine paid me a visit at my office in Vancouver to firm up a feature they were doing on favourite shopping spots of mine and a few other Design Professionals in Vancouver. Linden Hass shot a few pictures of me and the drawing below is what resulted.

image Untitled-2 
Patricia Gray on LoftLife Magazine Board of Experts

I love the illustrations for LoftLife Magazine done by the talented Graham Smith from San Diego. He illustrates the masthead and the Panel of Experts for LoftLife Magazine. This month LoftLife Magazine is going to be on national newsstands: Borders, Barnes and Noble, as well as Hudson News. So pick-up your copy and read their articles. In the current Summer 2009 issue of LoftLife Magazine I particularly like:
  • LoftLife - Allure of Amsterdam: Dutch Design Beyond Droog. (I am lusting to visit Amsterdam)
  • LoftLife - Paper or Plastic? (really gets you thinking and hopefully acting)
  • LoftLife - Big Blank Wall: The mirrors on our minds. ( Love this round-up of mirrors)
    among others..........
    LoftLife Magazine also has a great Blog.

    Happy Reading!
    Please let me know if you have read a copy of LoftLife magazine and what you think of it by leaving a
Patricia Gray writes about 'WHAT'S HOT 'in the world of Interior Design, new and emerging trends, modern design,
architecture, and travel, as well as how your surroundings can influence the world around you.
© Patricia Gray Interior Design Blog, 2009