Monday, August 31, 2009

Spring Has Sprung...

It's the first day of Spring here in Australia and it's my Wedding Anniversary so here are some florals on florals on florals from an old Vogue Living article to celebrate...

Hello Spring!

Well spring is finally here officially and it feels like one of the coldest days we have had in ages! I'm still surrounding myself with spring inspiration with these lovely images of flowers and outdoor areas! Looking forward to all that this new season has to bring! Tracey xx

images 1. Victoria Hagan, 2. Eric Kohler, 3. Content-Agency, 4. BHG

A Pretty House

I think this house is so pretty and charming. The all-white background is divine and I love the little hints of blue and pink and red and green.

All images via skona hem

Displaying Collections

I often talk about collections and how to display them. Here a few images to inspire...

All images via skona hem

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Hayle!!!

Well another year has passed and today we celebrated Hayley's birthday in French style at Montrachet in Paddington (Brisbane)! It was delightful from the moment we walked in! The service was exceptional, the food was to die for and the decor made us feel like we had stepped off the sidewalk in Paris! What more could a girl want! Happy birthday sis - can't wait to do it all again next year! Tracey xx

Bright & Colourful

I love these two bright and colourful vignettes....perfect inspiration for Spring!

Top image from British Homes & Gardens and bottom image from Notebook magazine.

Also, I would like to send a huge thanks to Vera Klein for her mention of Absolutely Beautiful Things in this month's Notebook Magazine!! xx Anna

It Has Potential

This little old fisherman's cottage {bottom image} is one I've often admired on my morning walks over at Straddie. I think this house has so much potential and when you look at the top image you might possibly agree with me?!

Image 1 - elle decor

Friday, August 28, 2009

Pool Inspiration!

Things That Inspire have definitely inspired me this week with this stunning pool area! I have lots of work to do to get my pool area looking like this but it certainly helps to have pictures to show my husband and the paver. What's inspired you this week? Happy weekend!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Friday Flowers

Here are some pretty fresh Freesias in an old bottle vase which I have placed on a table in the shop to end this week. See you next week...


KENNLaw is a stylist based of out Los Angeles, frequently comes in to visit us :) -- Check out his BLOG - super fresh and cool. He styled the girls in Chinese Laundry shoes

Model: Amanda Adrienne

Black & Spiro Today

The shop is brimming with lots of lovely new things. I thought I would share a few photos of some of our new bits & pieces.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Megan Park's Latest Collection

Today I viewed the new Megan Park cushion collection and I must say it was very beautiful. Our new stock will be arriving early November which is still a couple of months away but it will be well worth the wait. We will be sure to let everyone on our mailing list know when they arrive. I absolutely love the styling of her new range as simple and beautiful.

To be kept in the loop please email us info@blackandspiro so that we can add you to our mailing list.

Happy Hallways

Maybe it's because I have a narrow hallway with louvred linen cupboard doors such as this that this hallway really appeals to me. I love that no space is wasted, that every part of the house can be beautiful. The wallpaper is devine and the artwork makes it look like a gallery therefore giving it a purpose - love it!

Another hallway with wallpaper and artwork to keep it interesting!

I know this has been blogged about plenty of times but there is a good reason - its fabulous!!!
1.Content-Agency 2. Creative Small Space 3. Desire to Inspire

How do you dress your bed ?

With a slight nip in the air where I live, its time to start thinking about keeping warm this winter. How do you dress your bed in the colder months? Duvets? Quilts? A simple comforter? Do tell !

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Fabric Deja Vu

I knew I had seen that gorgeous Christopher Farr fabric before when I opened up my copy of this month's Vogue Living and spotted those beautiful chairs on the cover by designer Darryl Gordon. When I stayed at the Haymarket Hotel in London last year that fabric was used by owner & designer Kit Kemp en masse in the foyer of the hotel. It's such a fresh and vibrant fabric and looks so beautiful on those chairs on the cover of VL. I thought I would show you a few photos I snapped last year of the fabric and how it was used at the Haymarket.

Image 1, 2, 3 - Anna Spiro, Image 4 - Vogue Living

It's Feeling Like Summer

Dana Cowie Artist

Photograph above by Robert Capa, Magnum Photos 1996 Estate of Robert Capa via Style Court

Francois Hallard

Hugh Stewart Photographer

Brooke Gianetti

Cap Ferrat - Anna Spiro

Grace Kelly Image source unknown

Tim Clarke

At the moment nothing excites me more than the thought of Summer. Our weather here in Brisbane this week has been crazy hot. I feel like it's those hot few weeks we experience just before Christmas but it's still Winter. It does scare me a little to think that we are probably in for an extremely hot Summer. All this heat has got me looking at Pool Houses, Outdoor Showers, Beach House images etc. etc. So, here are a few images I'm loving right now. There's probably a few pics we've all seen before but nothing like a few good oldies to come back and inspire us...

Last image via
Desire to Inspire