Thursday, September 30, 2010

September 30, 2005-2010

2005: The day we moved from this apartment to the one we live in now. Photos taken by my friend Espen.

2006: Sølve and I hosted dinner for family and friends the night before our youngest niece's baptism. We started with these nibblies; tortillas with cream cheese, rocket and smoked salmon.

2007: I was in Moscow for work.

2008: Caption written on Flickr: After a good day at the office I walked home, made pasta salad (whole gain pasta, roast chicken, salami, red onion, sweet peas, cherry tomatoes and pesto) and hosted the film club's third meet up. We saw La Dolce Vita (chosen by me).

2009: I didn't take any photos on the 30th, so this photo of Sølve's stripes are from the 29th. We love Entourage btw. How about you?

2010: Supper with a view at Hanne's.

Pops of Color !

Who says you can't use color in small spaces !!!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

chocolate mousse

This is my go-to chocolate mousse recipe. It's quick, simple and really delicious. I got the recipe from my mom, who got it from... I don't know. I have adapted it a bit from my mom's original handwritten copy; I use very strong coffee instead of orange juice or some kind of other liquid, which could for example be cognac or whiskey or any other kind of liquor that goes well with chocolate.

100 grams chocolate (70 % cocoa)
2 tbs strong coffee
3 eggs
3 tbs sugar
2 dl cream

Melt the chocolate with the coffee and let it cool down. Whip egg yolks with sugar. Add the chocolate. Whip egg whites until stiff. Whip the cream. Carefully mix it all together. Put it in the fridge for a couple of hours.

Yield: 5 cocktail glasses

polaroid portraits



Shot with my sister's polaroid camera in August.

polaroid | our garden

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

autumn walk

Friday September 24 was a beautiful sunny day, so I brought my camera on my walk to the office.

autumn | Bergen

another rearrangement

Some of you might remember this; my livingroom library project.

I think this new arrangement is a little bit better than the last. We still haven't bought anything new. We just moved around all the old stuff; trying to make the livingroom a little less crowded with furniture. It feels more spacious now that the high book shelves have been moved out to the hallway and guestroom. I have also started to kind of like the white fake bricks. They add a bit of texture to the wall. But of course I wouldn't mind removing them either. I don't love them.

In case you wonder why there is a blanket on the sofa back; it's because it's already so worn (but I also think it looks nice and decorative). We have only had the sofa (IKEA Kramfors) for about 4,5 years, so I'm disappointed to see how quickly the leather wore down. Some kinds of leather looks better with age, but I don't think this one does. My sofa mission continues. So does the hi-fi storage mission.

Now that we have started to use Spotify (I'm hooked!) I think it might be time to clear the CDs out of the livingroom. I've also been thinking of getting a new much simpler frame for the Peter Lik photograph. And I need to get my Sandra Juto print framed, plus these two photographs.

Part of the hallway library. I tried to take overview photos plus photos of the shelves in the guestroom, but it looked to messy so I won't show you ;-)

By the way, there was no use for the orange sofa in the guestroom (as mentioned here). I like it much better next to the dining table, underneath the white cupboards - as seen here. When we have guests and need more seats by the fireplace, we easily move the orange sofa. PS: Before.

Monday, September 27, 2010

monday bliss

The weather has been surprisingly good over the weekend. Sun and blue skies all day long. Bergen is normally quite grey and wet this time of year, like it was most of last week. We actually wore just t-shirts and had dinner and dessert in the garden. Morning and evenings are colder though. I saw frost in the grass on my way to the office, and when I woke up this morning my nose and cheeks were cold from the fresh, chilly air coming from the open bedroom window. I love this feeling of transition from summer to autumn. Btw, I will talk about the apples later.

Black & Spiro Today

This morning I pottered around my garden at home and collected a few flowering things for the shop. I arranged some pink bougainvillea and some native gum leaves in a couple of shell encrusted baskets I picked up in Bali a while ago. There's something so Summery and vibrant about bougainvillea and I do love it mixed in with a few classic blue and white ginger jars.

Above is one of a pair of amazing hand beaded African chairs we have in the shop at the moment. I think these chairs are a favourite of mine right now. To think of the work that goes into them...

We just received this gorgeous geometric patterned rug in today. The girls and I couldn't wait to put it in place under our bright orange coffee table in our front lounge room display. I think it has added so much colour to the shop...I just love it and I am very tempted to take it home!

Just thought you might like to see a few of the new things we have in at the moment.

Back in the swing...

Well we are back from our break and have been thrown into the deep end with lots of projects awaiting our fun!  While we were away I read lots of mags to get reinspired for the work ahead.
This gorgeous home was in the UK edition of Elle Decoration and I have to say it was amazing!

 This home is in Saint Barthelemy in the West Indies and is the work of Architects Kathy Adam and Lesley Batchelor and interior designer Alisa Thiry - I think they have done fabuous work here!

Not over the gorgeous bathroom obsession yet!

I think I could really relax here!  Looking forward to catching up on some blogs now that we are back!  Tracey xx

Look For Less: Rachel Bilson

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