Monday, May 31, 2010

Jackie & Her Children

I was recently asked 91 questions in an interview for an exciting thing I will be involved in later this year. One of the questions I was asked was;

Who, in your opinion is/was the best dressed woman?

I answered Jacqueline Kennedy. I googled images of her recently and became instantly obsessed with the images of her and her beautiful children. It must be my current nesting instincts which drew me to these photos. I thought I'd share a few here today. Aren't they beautiful...

Great bedroom storage

Loving the space planning in these bedroom photos. Some large spaces do not have this much storage! Nice !!!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Jeep Grand Cherokee 2011 New Car

Jeep Grand Cherokee 2011 Turing

Jeep Grand Cherokee 2011 Side

Jeep Grand Cherokee 2011 Interior

BMW S 1000 RR AC Schnitzer Bike

BMW S 1000 RR AC Schnitzer Bike Side

Hamann BMW Series 5 GT Car

Hamann BMW Series 5 GT Front Side

Hamann BMW Series 5 GT Side

Hamann BMW Z8 Wallpaper

Hamann BMW Z8 Wallpaper Front Side

Hamann BMW Z8 Wallpaper Side

Chevrolet Captiva LTZ 2011

Chevrolet Captiva LTZ 2011 Wallpaper

Mercedes-Benz SL 65 AMG Black Series

Mercedes-Benz SL 65 AMG Black Series Side

Mercedes-Benz SL 65 AMG Black Series Front Side

Mercedes-Benz SL 65 AMG Black Series Back Side

Mercedes-Benz SL 65 AMG Black Series Interior

Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4

Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4 White Color Side

Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4 Yellow Color Front Side

Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4 Yellow Color Back

Art Ideas

I'm loving these ideas here because they are unique. A sharpie and you have a frame ?? On paper that sounds crazy, but I like it !

Friday, May 28, 2010

Come and say hello!

We're giving birth to our new baby, May 29th.


Beverly Center
8500 Beverly Blvd Suite 778
Los Angeles, CA 90048

Out & About: SGAR Opening

Renai Grace & Paul Spiro stand in front of one of the paintings we purchased last night by artist Simone Louise Gillespie

This is the other Simone Louise Gillespie painting we purchased

It was so nice to get out of the tracksuit pants I've been sporting all week and into some proper clothes with make-up on last night to head out to the opening of Spiro Grace Art Rooms in Spring Hill.

Brad, Harry & I decided we needed some adult time out so we decided to leave Max with his gorgeous Nanny Rhonda for a few hours whilst we attended the gallery opening. I had my first glass of French champagne in 9 months upon arriving at the gallery. It went straight to my head of course. We ended up purchasing 2 paintings by emerging artist Simone Louise Gillespie. I was so thrilled we decided on them straight away as every painting I looked at as the night progressed had a sold sticker.

Gallery owners Paul Spiro {yes he is related to me - he is my uncle} and Renai Grace will be showcasing emerging {and therefore quite reasonably priced} artists in their space on a quarterly basis. I for one can't wait for their next exhibition.

For all enquiries or to be added to SGAR's mailing list email Renai

Thursday, May 27, 2010

An Update


The shop renovation in progress

A snippet of one of the rooms in our new Design Studio

Last week we welcomed our second son, Max into the world. He is perfect in every way. Thank you for all your lovely emails and comments.

Our shop renovation is proceeding very well...still lots of work to be done. Our Design Studio is now in full swing upstairs. The girls and I are enjoying having a very special space just for our clients. Some photos are above for your viewing pleasure. I'll be back soon with some more news and posts. Just enjoying my newborn for the moment. Hope you are all well.


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Green Velvet with Animal Print!

What a fabulous combination! I know I have posted about green velvet lounges a couple of times before (they happen to be a favourite), but after looking through images of Miles Redd's work recently, I see that he likes to accessorise with animal print which is another favourite of mine! The following three images are all rooms by Miles Redd with green velvet sofas and animal print cushions.

via house beautiful
Love the geometric print side chair as well!

Such an interesting room but the sofa is the icing on the cake!

Fabulous use of studwork on this sofa - love it paired with the red ottoman!

This gorgeous combination has been used by other designers as well:

Tory Burch's NY appartment by Daniel Romualdez...

Room by Palmer Weiss...

And the original, Hubert De Givenchy!
Such a fabulous look is always bound to get replicated...who knows, I may even use it myself one day! Tracey xx

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Rooms with a summer feel

Maybe its a lot of white that makes a room have a "summer" feel to them but these 3 rooms have it. Slipcovers? Not too fussy? I guess a dog on a surf board helps! Not sure but I love it !

Friday, May 21, 2010

Stylish Rooms

Great looking rooms that really do not have a common thread, just nice ! Have a GREAT weekend everyone !