Thursday, May 26, 2011

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  • superleccy
    Sep 20, 06:11 AM
    It's also far and away the worst. It's the televisual equivalent of drilling a hole in your skull and pouring pure ethanol into your brain.

    Not quite. Having a hole in your skull and a brain full of ethanol is actually a pre-requisite for enjoying ITV.

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  • milo
    Sep 12, 05:35 PM
    Whoa there! Setting up a media center / 360 extender setup is far from 5x the price of the iTV. As a matter of fact, the 360 is the SAME price as the iTV, 299$.

    You of course will need a media center pc to make this work, but you need a pc/mac to make the iTV work as well, so thats an added expense on either side.

    Does the PC have to be next to the xbox, or is there a way to transfer (hopefully stream) video wirelessly? And if you're using a PC for this, does it tie up the PC or can you use it for other things?

    I have a Sony HD-DVR I use to pause live HDTV as well as record. While having a Elgato tuner hooked up to the mac and recording programs there and then streaming it to the iTV box is doable, you won't be able to pause live TV. That is the kind of integration Apple needs to bring to the table.

    What makes you think that wouldn't be possible? Elgato does allow pausing live TV, don't they? I don't see why that couldn't be passed on through the iTV.

    Except the quality just won't be there yet with this device. As everyone runs out to buy flat screen TVs this year and next, they're going to get home and want to play iTunes movies only to be completely dismayed by the 640x480 content/quality. 4:3 resolution, yuck :confused:

    I know it's 802.11 and certainly features an HDMI out, but streaming 720p HD TV takes about 480 Mbps of bandwith, according to Ars: Even 802.11n would have trouble with an uncompressed 720p signal, so quality will most likely be compromised as streaming video is increasingly compressed.

    There's no reason to use uncompressed HD, all consumer HD formats are compressed and quality can still be very good. Broadcast HDTV only uses about 20Mb, easily handled by .n. And I doubt many people will be "dismayed" by iTunes quality. Right now, isn't HDTV usage way ahead of HD dvd usage? So aren't most people already watching "dvd quality" on their HDTV's?

    As an IT consultant, I recommend for anyone who's thinking of using an Airport Express for audio or a Mac Mini for a living room computer (or now this new iTV that will come out next year) to just spend the money on getting a wired connection. Ultimately, wireless will not be at the quality it needs to be to handle this throughput CONSISTENTLY. I still get skips on my Airpot Express when streaming from iTunes.

    You're using the .g wireless standard, there's a .n standard on the way which is considerably faster. Looks like the new one is what apple will use.

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  • ericinboston
    Apr 28, 09:31 AM
    Next quarter you'll see very, very different numbers. Over the next 3-5 years you'll see the decline of the entire PC market and a shift over to tablets and pad devices as they become more capable and powerful.

    Very true.

    Compare what you did on a personal computer in 1995 vs. today. I would say web-based activity is a very very high percentage of what people use a personal computer...since even 2005. Online banking, email, uploading/sharing photos, Youtube, chat, skype, research, maps & directions, etc.

    It doesn't make a difference if you use a Mac or Dell or a Linux long as there is a browser on the system, you can do all your work.

    Sure, there is the occasional thick client (iTunes, MS Office, Photoshop) but those are ALL available on the Mac and PC environments.

    Now tablets come along. They failed so many times before because of all the new operating systems they had and thick client re-compiles they had to do. No more. 90% of the stuff consumers are doing is just slap Firefox on the thing and you're golden. Then for the 10% of stuff that isn't web-based, have the OS be attractive to app writers....and those 3 example apps above are being ported to the tablets.

    Tablets are definitely the wave of the future of personal computing...but I will state that the desktop will be around for quite some time for the folks (like me) who although do a lot of web stuff, have a lot of thick client apps and/or need (non-need) to use a desktop vs. a tablet.

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  • somemacuser
    Apr 5, 11:04 PM
    Was a MSFT user since DOS. Switched about 2.5 years ago. I'd concur with the few gripes already listed in here that are a bit of a change for windows users - my favorites (quitting applications isnt alt-f4 anymore, cmd-tab doesnt cycle windows, not being able to launch multiple occurrences of an application, giving up the ability to repair my imac myself, and the lack of a PC-like "delete" key instead of the backspace delete that's on the wireless keyboard - WTF!).

    However, for the few things that were a change for me, I discover new stuff seemingly every week that makes me smile at the thoughtfulness that has been put into the Mac/OSX. Hard to list them all, but the sum of them makes the whole experience SO well done. A few weeks after getting the Mac I was ticked I waited so long to cut over. It was a non issue. I didnt make the leap until I was satisfied parallels would still be a viable option to run XP. It works great, but I never use it other than to show people a mac can run windows. :) OSX is so stable, smooth (scrolling, transitions, etc.), beautiful hardware, and elegant to work in I had no desire to go back. I am well aware that Windows 7 has come a long way, but its *still* not as thoughtfully designed.

    As has been said many times on this site, ultimately, you can accomplish the same stuff on a PC, but its not as pleasant or easy to get there. As I get older and have less free time in my life with family/career, I appreciate just getting what I want out of the computer and not tinkering. I've done a 180 from my earlier days of taking some pleasure in reformatting a pc and reinstalling windows clean. Now my time spent fiddling is learning cool stuff in aperture and imovie. And I am constantly amazed at the quality of the output vs. the time invested.

    Its hard not to be a raving fan of a tool that is that is so enjoyable to use, gives pleasure when you just look at the damn thing, and gives a meaningful return on time spent "learning" it. But my needs may be different than yours. 15 years ago I pounded code for a living and scoffed at apple stuff. Today my way of making a living and my priorities in life are very different. The mac is the right choice for me even if I cant close an application in one click from the corner.

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  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 26, 10:42 PM
    [B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Noone has mentioned the FSB concerns yet, which is weird.

    Well I've mentioned it... In the other 8-cor Mac Pro thread. And I've brought it up more than once.

    Yes, this should be a concern and those doing bandwidth-intense operations may find the FSB to be a bottleneck at times. Unless I've missed something along the way, the Mac Pro has an independent bus for each CPU, meaning that each quad core chip will get it's 1333MHz of data flow. I'll have to go check on this... If Apple is indeed stuffing two CPUs onto a single 1333MHz FSB, then there will be a serious problem. Because if I start running into bandwidth issues feeding multiple cores streams of HD video or animation frames, I'm not going to be happy.

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  • skunk
    Mar 12, 02:52 AM
    Explosion reported at Fukushima plant.
    An explosion has been heard from a Japanese nuclear power plant hit by Friday's devastating earthquake.

    Reports said smoke was seen coming from the plant at Fukushima and several workers were injured.

    Japanese officials fear a meltdown at one of the plant's reactors after radioactive material was detected outside it.

    A huge relief operation is under way after the 8.9-magnitude earthquake and tsunami, which killed more than 600.

    Hundreds more people are missing and it is feared about 1,300 may have died.

    Japan's Prime Minister Naoto Kan declared a state of emergency at the Fukushima 1 and 2 power plants as engineers try to confirm whether a reactor at one of the stations has gone into meltdown.

    Japan's NHK TV showed before and after pictures of the Fukushima plant. They appeared to show that the outer structure of one of four buildings at the plant had collapsed.

    Cooling systems inside several reactors at the plants stopped working after Friday's earthquake cut the power supply.

    Japan's nuclear agency said on Saturday that radioactive caesium and iodine had been detected near the number one reactor of the Fukushima 1 plant.

    The agency said this may indicate that containers of uranium fuel inside the reactor may have begun melting.

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  • funny friends quotes. Best Friends Quotes Funny. Best Friends Quotes Funny. 3soteric. Mar 17, 06:42 AM. Not to condone OP#39;s actions in any way,

  • javajedi
    Oct 11, 10:57 AM
    I think it was Back2TheMac who posted earlier in this thread "x86 plain sucks". The reason why he belives the x86 ISA and CISC are inferior is because Apple put out a bunch of marketing in the early days of the PowerPC touting RISC as superior new technology. In today's world, RISC processos really aren't RISC, and CISC processors really are CISC.

    I recommend anyone who still believes in this spin to read this:

    It's most informative.

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  • manu chao
    Mar 19, 12:10 PM
    Same logic: if I take someone else's car, and drive away with it, I'm stealing it. But if I create an identical copy of the car (using a replicator I got from Star Trek) for myself, have I stolen anything? From whom have I stolen?

    If you go to a concert, theatre play, any kind of performance or into any of fee-charging class or course and smuggle yourself in through some kind of backdoor without paying for the ticket or the course, did you steal anything?

    Not according to your logic.

    Should this behaviour be allowed?

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  • -aggie-
    May 5, 10:40 AM
    AT&T's plan worked brilliantly.

    They put me through a year where about 40% of my calls got dropped and then fixed it so only about 5% get dropped now.

    So even though that's worse than the other carriers I am personally thrilled with that number.

    So...good plan, AT&T!

    I'm in your area, but out in the boonies. I've never had a dropped call.

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  • macfan881
    Feb 25, 05:16 PM
    This could also be a flaw, I would be really annoyed if I bought the best droid available and then a month later another six of them come out better than mine. A lot of people like buying the best available and then riding it out until the next model is available, but when there phone gets replaced by another 40 phones I am not to sure how people will react.

    Its going on now I mean look at the Motorola droid when it first came out. then few months after thats out The Nexus One Incredible etc. This is why i hate this because I'm currently looking at a Droid as my next phone, but with the Nexus one and incredible coming out in March then there's the Droid and Eris too it makes it hard to chose one of these phones.

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  • PeterQVenkman
    Apr 13, 01:53 PM
    Wake up and smell the coffee but as your post indicates you dont live in the real world as companies will pay more for something they feel is better than it really is. Its simple business logic and psychology.

    Yes, how will you stay in business if 16 year olds can undercut you on price and have the same quality?

    Companies pay a premium for a professional using professional gear not an app you download from the app store.

    Does it matter where a carpenter buys his hammer?

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  • Bill McEnaney
    Apr 24, 11:30 PM
    Well, only if you insist that yours is the ONLY What about the denominations that say "Here's what WE believe, but if someone believes something else, that's fine?"
    That depends on what "that's fine" means. I don't want to coerce anyone into believing what I believe. Others are welcome to argue for what they believe when they agree with me and when they disagree with me. If you know that I'm mistaken about something, I you to show me that I'm mistaken about it because after you do that, I'll replace my false belief with the corresponding truth that you proved. But if "that's fine" implies relativism about truth, that implication is not fine, because relativism about truth, or at least some versions of it, are self-contradictory and every self-contradiction is always false.

    Many atheists deny that God exists. Maybe they're right, but their denial implies that theism is either true or else false. If those atheists say that theism is nonsense, what do they mean by "nonsense?" If they mean that theism is neither true nor false, then they imply their denial is neither true nor false, since theism is the belief that at least one God exists, and "There is no God" is the denial of theism. By the law of the excluded middle, every proposition is either true or false, but not both.

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  • ender land
    Apr 23, 10:31 PM
    Frankly, it doesn't take much faith to claim that nothing and no-one stands above nature (i.e. being supernatural).


    Do you realize the sheer magnitude of this statement?

    If even 0.0000001% of an incredibly lowball estimate as to the number of current Christians in the world (not to mention past Christians or other theistic religions) have legitimately experienced a supernatural event - pick one, doesn't matter which or how large or small it is - this is an incorrect statement.

    Even if 99.9999% of a billion people claiming supernatural events such as religion are lying, that is still a thousand experiences which invalidate your premise.

    Everything we can see is derived from nature.

    Spoken like a true empiricist.

    Where would God come from then?

    I have never understood why this is used as an argument against a god(s). Clearly, something exists now (as an aside, if you disagree with this statement there is absolutely no grounds to say religion is not true either, so I'm going to assume you do agree something does in fact exist, namely the universe). No matter how you believe, either atheism, creationism, flying spagetti monsterism, anything, at some point, there will be the problem that something always existed. Or existed "before." Whether it's God or a singularity point or whatever, all rational beliefs agree upon this point.

    Asking how God existed prior to the known universe is meaningless in terms of invalidating any religion.

    If there are spiritual entities which stand above us humans, they do certainly not stand above these laws. It doesn't make sense, and was never even supposed to make sense to the human mind in the first place (ask any priest about the latter, he will confirm it).

    Simple example: I make some robots. I put them into a world (let's say I put them in a room with no visible or perceptible interior doors/windows/etc). They interact and are reasonably self aware. Their entire world is this room. Gravity is "obvious" to them. Suddenly, I rotate the entire room 90 degrees. They would have a situation where the statement "no spiritual entity.. stand[s] above these laws."

    Clearly this does not necessarily prove god(s). But it does mean your belief as stated above is illogical (unless starting from the assumed premise that no god(s) exist, in which case your faith rests upon this belief).

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Mar 14, 01:07 AM
    Wind isn't much better, at a maximum of 30% efficiency, and that's when the wind is blowing over 30 mph.

    umm you have your facts wrong there.

    On wind farms in the US (and safe to say the world) you can count on 30% of the rated power at any moment in time.

    Now it goes up above that but you can always count on 30% of it.

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  • iMattcotv
    Apr 9, 09:29 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I love how people are comparing an iOS device with a PS3 or Xbox..

    Classic Chalk or Pen post.

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  • OllyW
    Apr 28, 10:08 AM
    Do some research. Globally Apple passed 7% last year.

    Apple sold around 14.5 million Macs last year (2.94m Q2 (, 3.47m Q3 (, 3.89m Q4 (, 4.13m Q1 ( The Global sales for computers was almost 351 million (

    I've done some research and still make it 4.1%. :)

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  • citizenzen
    Apr 24, 01:53 PM
    If I told you I were a homosexual would that discredit or vindicate my views? Would it make them more... acceptable?

    I'm just trying to find out how much you really love freedom.

    So what is it?

    Thumbs up for giving gays the freedom to legally commit themselves to a life-long partnership?

    Or thumbs down?

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  • R.Perez
    Mar 14, 02:17 AM
    I understand your point abut Japan.

    You're facts about solar and wind are both wrong, and I think you dismiss "bogus green technology" too quickly. That said, I still get what you are saying about Japan.

    However, I think this thread applies more to Europe, and EVEN more so to the US. In the US we have 5% of the worlds population and use well over 30% of the worlds energy. We also have an abundance of space, and countless amounts of aging infrastructure that needs investment anyway. The US is actually in a very good position to switch towards much more renewable energy while at the same time, upgrading our aging infrastructure. That said, what we lack is the political will and political capital to actually push such initiatives.

    Nuclear is not a necessity in the US like it MAY (I say may because I am skeptical but will take your word for it) be in Japan, and I think the current crisis going on there should make us seriously stop and think for a minute. The combination of wind, solar, tidal and geo-thermal could be quite effective here. Especially when you start consider the option of offshore wind farms which they have already approved in some parts of the NE.

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  • eawmp1
    Apr 23, 10:12 AM
    Same here. Everyone at work knows too.

    Two strikes for you as a gaytheist.

    Sep 20, 12:32 PM
    Here is my wishlist:

    1) Basestation or range extender for 802.11 b/g and maybe "a" or "n".
    (Airport Express has both of these features, so I'd say likely.)

    2) Using the ethernet connection instead of wireless network to stream music, photo slideshows and videos.
    (I don't see why not)

    3) Hooking up a USB harddrive with my music, photos and videos to avoid any wireless connection hiccups.
    4) It would be great if I could also use that same harddrive as a sort of media server that I can reach from other computers at home.
    (3 and 4 could happen, but I would not be surprised if they leave them out.)

    5) Using it as a print server by connecting a USB printer, like the current Airport Express. (Well, if iTV is in the living room, this feature will not be really necessary. Still, a few years down the road there will be a newer and better version. Then, I could use the old one for more mundane network tasks.)

    Oct 30, 06:19 PM
    Apple's current RAM prices are not competitive, nowhere near close.SO-DIMM, yes. FB-DIMM, no.

    Mar 18, 09:12 AM
    No matter what fine print they include in the contract, they cannot sell an unlimited data plan, and then limit it, in any way. I have the legal right to jailbreak phone, and I have the the contractual permission to use unlimited amounts of data from AT&T.

    They offer an unlimited data plan for one device. There's nothing illegal about it. By sharing that data with other devices you are very clearly and very simply breaking the contract.

    Apr 12, 11:31 PM
    And so is this new version $299 which is a deal compared to the $999 for FCS. Heck MSRP on FCE is $199 so with a student discount this new version is very reasonably priced. Which leads me to think this is probably a stand alone app and it does not include all the goodies of FCS like DVD Studio Pro, Compressor, etc..

    Is this correct thinking?

    And if so does this mean that FCS will be broke into apps? How much for the other apps?

    Hurry up and wait, the apple way.

    When Apple's Pro App for photographers, Aperture, hit the App Store, the price dropped from $200 to only $80. Compare this to Adobe's $300 Lightroom app.

    Providing Pro Apps at such low prices helps to establish Apple's hardware as more affordable. Today's young computer users bring a sophistication to application utilization that previous generations did not. High school students quickly outgrow iMovie's capabilities in their media classes and are prepared to move up.

    Forget "Pro Apps"- these are "Advanced Apps" and, though the pros may not like it, these apps are going to make it into the hands of amateurs and hobbyists.As a professional photographer, I recommend Aperture to even the most novice digital photographer- if you can understand iPhoto, Aperture is within reach.

    Ultimately, don't let the low price fool you. Volume of sales and baiting eager pro app users to the Apple OS will do more for Apple than trying to make these apps solely available to professionals. Software-only companies are at a big disadvantage here- selling inexpensive (and great) software will ultimately increase their overall sales as the hardware flies off the shelves.

    Mar 14, 08:50 PM
    That might be my point.

    What's your point? Circular reasoning?

    That's like arguing the problem with medicine is that the patients are diagnosed by doctors

    The problem with education is the students are taught by teachers


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