Monday, October 18, 2010

Allie shoots film

Why do you shoot film, Allie?

I shoot film for the simplicity of it. You look through the viewfinder and click, and the result never needs to be modified by a computer.

I began shooting film in high school, in a photography class, and continued in University. There was no such thing as the DSLR, so film was still the way to go for the best quality. I have never felt totally comfortable with digital, either, so perhaps that keeps me sticking with film.

I am happy to have a few really wonderful cameras, most of which were given to me by my husband’s Grandfather. Each camera has its own story and its own quirks, and I can picture what the image will look like when it is developed depending on which camera I am using. I love that.

In the end, though, I think I shoot film because it is more lifelike. You can remember the experience through the tones and light in a way that digital just cannot match.

You can see more of Allie's film photos in this set on Flickr.

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