Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Dinner Project book

As most of you probably know by now, in 2010 I wrote down what we had for dinner every day, and every Sunday I posted the week’s menu here on Hei Astrid. I also photographed at least one dinner each week. And then I made this Blurb book.

The Dinner Project is a 160 pages standard landscape book filled with 365 days of dinners and 208 photos. It is available in both hardcover imagewrap and softcover. You can find the book in my Blurb bookstore here.

You can see more glimpses from the book in this set on Flickr and in the preview on Blurb. FYI: I have decided not to show the full book preview on Blurb this time (you can however see the full book preview of my other six books).

Curious about the dinner project? Click the label "the dinner project" to see all the posts.

PS: The giveaway will be announced soon.

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