Friday, February 25, 2011

things I like today

All the fresh snow from yesterday was washed away by rain during the night. The streets are once again bare. This Friday is grey, wet and windy. I need some fresh flowers to brighten my day.

- this (via Hanne)
- A very Bergen birthday
- back to the future photo project (via A Cup of Jo)
- There's No Place Like Here: Hindsvik short film
- tiny.k (via Door Sixteen)
- the house (via tiny.k) - Kat Heyes writes this blog, she has been feature in my why do you shoot film? series a year ago | I love her Happy Campers book
- Lorena's latest photobook
- this and this photo by my friend Trine, with whom I'm doing this so far secret project mentioned earlier (the vernissage and official launch has been moved from April 1st till April 2nd)

By the way, I don't know if you know this, but I'm a very organized girl. All the photos in my Flickr photostream is organized in sets and all my blog posts have labels - you can see them all in the sidebar. For example if you are curious about all the posts I have done on my home, click the label "my home". All the posts from the mountain cabin are labeled "the mountain cabin", my musings about the weather and life are labeled "life" and all the posts that are like this one, with lots of links, are labeled "things I like today". Feel free to explore the Hei Astrid archives :-)

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Edited to add another thing I like today
- Wrist Worms galore

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