Tuesday, January 11, 2011

the disappointment

I think most of you know by now how much I love to shoot film. But I must admit that sometimes shooting film can be a disappointment. Sometimes the photos just don't turn out at all, like the one above - and the other 11 frames I shot during our Christmas walk on my favorite beach. I'm no expert on the technical side of shooting film, so I don't really know what happened here, but I suspect though that the freezing cold temperature that day has something do do with the sad result. You should have seen the light - SO beautiful!

Another thing that I don't like with shooting film, is using types of film that turn out to give different results than I expected - in a disappointing way - like Fuji Superia 1600 and to some point black & white film in general. But sometimes it's the other way around; Fuji Superia X-tra 800 has turned out to be better than I expected.

I have noticed a tendency recently that I'm a little too impatient when I shoot film and I almost treat it like shooting digital - meaning I don't pay enough attention to what I shoot and how I shoot it. I have become a little too trigger happy. Shooting film looses a bit of its magic when I act like this. Maybe I have too high expectations.

In 2009 I shot 21 rolls of (35 mm) film, and last year I shot 32 rolls + A LOT of digital. I want to be better at editing myself; I will kill my darlings on my way to becoming a better photographer in 2011.

How about you? Any thoughts on disappointing (film) shooting or how to kill your darlings?

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