Tuesday, June 8, 2010


grandma (my namesake), me, mom, dad and the yellow Fiat in the summer of 1980

Janne over at Novelty Nowtion gave me beautiful blogger award. Thanks you so much miss! I really appreciate it!

Here is what you do when you get this award:
- link to the person who gave you the award
- share 7 things about yourself
- give the award to 7 other bloggers

Janne challenged me to use the medium I love so much; photography. So here goes:


I love flowers, and this is one of my favorite flower shots that I have taken.


I love shooting film and this shot is one of my favorites because of the light, color tones and atmosphere. Film: Fuji Velvia 100F


I love champagne, and other bubbly too. When I drink it in Paris with my husband and some of our best friends, it makes me extra happy.


I absolutely love the evening sunlight that we get in our livingroom during late spring and summer. Light in general is very important to me.


My little sister Mari is one of my best friends.


Svalbard is one of the most exotic places I have visited.


Safari in South Africa was equally exotic.

Btw, I've been tagged/awarded before.

I forward the beautiful blogger award to these beautiful, inspiring blogs:
1 Fjeldborg
2 hula seventy
3 norsk stil
4 jeg er jonathan
5 Huset på Planen
6 the blue hour
7 mine venners hjem

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