Friday, June 25, 2010

London, part I

After tea, toast and pain au chocolat in Charlotte's garden on Thursday morning last week, I meet up with London local Famapa of my funny eye and Mathias of Holgarific, who happened to fly over from Berlin for a conference at the exact same day as me (C had to work so she couldn't join us).

We met up at the ever busy Oxford Circus and Famapa guided us into Soho where we had lunch at Fernandez & Wells (73 Beak Street). I had a tuna sandwich.

There were so many delicious treats on display. I should have had cake, but I was full. No reason to worry though, because I know I will come back to this beautiful place.

Famapa loves ginger beer, while her little baby boy O loves to smile and charm his mother's friends.

Matt's camera and a good looking bike.

I loved the interior at Fernandez & Wells, especially the nice wooden textures.

Around the corner in 43 Lexington Street Fernandez & Wells has a food and wine bar. It looks just as beautiful and inviting as the café. Next time!

Film: Kodak Ektar 100 | London

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