Saturday, January 22, 2011

Åmot Operafarm is launched

Do you remember my posts about Åmot Gard in December? The amazing hosts of this very special farm, Steinar, Yngve and Frida the dog (above), hired me as the copywriter for their new website. Yesterday was the launch of their new brand - Åmot Operafarm - their new design concept and the website. The launch was done with great style; sommalier Arne Egge chose the wines, chef Christel Eide made the nibblies and people were super happy.

Hisdal + Holcroft are the designers, Dagrun Reiakvam has taken most of the photos on the website, Kyber Kommunikasjon has built the website, and I have written the texts (they are not yet available in English, the translator is working on it). I will give you a heads up when the site is available in English. Until then you should browse through the site and be inspired. In fact, just a few of weeks ago CNN recommended Åmot Operafarm as one of the world's top destinations for 2011. Needless to say, this has been a very inspiring project to work on.

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