Wednesday, June 30, 2010 2.0 Launch Party sure knows how to throw a party !!  

More images can be found on our facebook

We LOVE Akira, you should too

BMW M3 ALMS Race Car

BMW M3 ALMS Race CarBMW M3 ALMS Race Car Front

BMW M3 Race CarBMW M3 ALMS Race Car Side Front

BMW M3 new carBMW M3 ALMS Race Car Side Back

BMW M3 InteriorBMW M3 ALMS Race Car Interior

Mustang GT-R concept Car Wallpaper

Mustang GT-R conceptMustang GT-R concept Auto Car Wallpaper

another visit to Anne K's studio

Here are some more photos from Anne K's lovely studio, taken this Thursday in late May. The next time the artists' studios are open until 7 pm is August 26. I'll post a reminder some days before. Btw, here is a little something the local newspaper did on the artists.

Anne is one of the artists down at the dock at USF.

I have another batch of photos from Anne's studio that I will show you next week.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I like this

Such lovely splashes of color! Photo: Petra Bindel (via Elle Interiör)


I have loved these green leaf plates forever! They never date, I know this personally because I have loved them since childhood! However, I am yet to collect some of my own.

After seeing this gorgeous spread by Carolyn Roehm in Veranda Magazine I think it's time to start my collection! Tracey xx

Ideas for your home office

I love looking at other peoples home office. I can get tons of ideas from home office pictures. I read a story the other day that the desk top computer will soon be dead. I'm sure that will change home decor somehow, but, you always will need a desk right ??


I like summer light and flowers. How about you?

DIY Tables by Goncalo Campos

image   image

I love the genius of product design. The series of tables designed by Goncalo Campos, are made only using two basic materials, fabric and wood, the most commonly used materials in most households They are designed to be assembled with no glues or external fixtures, other than fabric, using a simple construction technique - they look primitive but at the same time very elegant. I can see the possibilities using beautiful woods, such as ebony, walnut, or perhaps fumed wood, and coordinating the fabric to match the colors and mood of your room. They would make wonderful conversation pieces for a wedding, or summer lawn party.

Images Courtesy of Gonçalo Campos. Goncalo Campos is a Portuguese designer, born in 1986. Graduated in product design in 2008, after which joined Fabrica team, for a year and created a series of  of tables which were featured in the exhibition Mais que Partes (More Than Parts), shown in the Fabrica features shop in Lisbon.

Fumed wood veneers – White Ebony

Patricia Gray Inc is an award winning Interior Design firm  in Vancouver, Canada who blogs about WHAT'S HOT  in the world of Interior Design.
2010 © Patricia Gray | Interior Design Blog™


 Dedon Lifestyle Advertising What are you doing this summer

I love the new lifestyle advertising campaign that the Dutch company Dedon, a manufacturer of outdoor furnishings, has launched.  You may have seen the ads for this Dedon campaign in some of the recent Design magazines - Dedon is selling their furniture as lifestyle.  DEDON takes its collaboration with legendary American fashion photographer Bruce Weber to a next level with the publication of a new book Coming Home, a sumptuously produced, limited edition book. Building on themes that Weber developed for the current DEDON advertising campaign, Coming Home is an exploration into the meaning of home and the feelings we hold for it. Personal, poetic and eclectic, the book weaves together exclusive imagery by Bruce Weber with artwork and illustrations specially commissioned by the photographer. Watch the Dedon movie in large format here, or on YouTube here.  The music and imagery are spectacular.  The movie starts with a quote from the movie Out of Africa - the words of Denys Finch Hatton, played by Robert Redford: “I don’t want to live someone else’s idea of how to live.”

Dedon Lifestyle Advertising  

Dedon Lifestyle Advertising

Dedon Lifestyle Advertising

Dedon Lifestyle Advertising 
A multilevel treehouse, a cast and crew of 60 people with legendary fashion photographer Bruce Weber keeping it all together.

Dedon Lifestyle Advertising

When I first saw the Dedon ad campaign, by Bruce Webber I was mesmerized by it.  Some people I have talked to just don’t get it. 
After all Bruce Webber was the photographer for the controversial ad campaign for Calvin Klein in the 90’s, and
Webber also photographed a shirtless Chris Isaak in bed for a fashion spread in Rolling Stone
Dedon says about Coming Home “…….it is an exploration into the meaning of home and the feelings we hold for it.”
I say that ‘Furniture IS Lifestyle’ and has as much of a message to say about how we live as Fashion does!

What do you think about ‘Lifestyle Advertising?’  Leave your comment here.

 PG Dedon 1 Article AD SpainPG Dedon 2 Article AD Spain 
PG Dedon 4 Article AD SpainPG Dedon 3 Article AD Spain
Postscript:  These are scans from a Spanish magazine that my friend and fellow blogger Ivan Meade sent to me after I published this article.

PATRICIA GRAY INC is an award winning interior design firm writing about lifestyle and WHAT'S HOT
in the world of interior design, architecture, art and travel.
2011 © Patricia Gray | Interior Design Blog™

Monday, June 28, 2010

Clever Gambrel

Another lovely home by Steven Gambrel. Imagine sitting there on the water's edge like that. So gorgeous.


The colors of this stool makes me happy - and happy is the name of it!

Happy is a little stackable and three leged stool. Its design is creative and clean with an elegant meeting between oak and the top surface. Happy is perfect as an extra seat or a small table.

Design: A2

everyday life

Mid June garden, rododendron galore, glimpses of Bergen and bright summer days.

My Life Right Now

My life has been pretty hectic with the arrival of little Max. The life I knew which was that of a working woman with one child, a husband and 2 dogs has changed. I used to purchase my favourite magazines and be able to sit down on the sofa and read them that night. I used to have time to do my own thing. But not these days.

I have had the new Country Style magazine sitting on my bedside table now for a few days and I haven't even had the chance to open it.

I actually glanced at my bedside table tonight and thought I would take a photo of it to show you.

It consists of the Country Style magazine which I am dying to open. It also consists of that pink fabric which, even though I had ordered the yellow colourway on Friday, I changed it today to the pink. I don't usually change my mind once I've made my mind up - what is happening to me? It also consists of a book I purchased on Amazon which I think is very applicable to my life right now - Just Let Me Lie Down Necessary Terms for the Half-Insane Working Mom by Kristin van Ogtrop. I also love the colour of it's cover. Today Harry made me the origami swans which you can see sitting there. I love them. Brad and Harry brought me in a bowl of Harry's favourite treat - ice-cream with coke bottle lollies on top just now to try to cheer me up. It worked.

I'm sure tomorrow will be better. Tomorrow our container full to the brim of Stuart Membery furniture will be arriving on our doorstep. Tomorrow is going to be a very exciting day.


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Gustaf shoots film

Why do you shoot film, Gustaf?

For some reason shooting film is easier for me. It's almost a crutch. I'm not sure why this is, and in some ways I wish it wasn't so. I loathe scanning, the dark side of shooting film in a digital world. Perhaps film works for me because it slows me down a bit. I'm working on bringing that across when I'm shooting digital, but it would be hard to give up the Rolleiflex.

You can see more of Gustaf's photos on Flickr and his website.

High Ceiling Inspiration!

I'm currently working on a home with a very high ceiling which is gorgeous but can feel a little cold if not furnished well. Looking through my files, this room by Tom Scheerer stood out to inspire me. There is nothing cold and sterile about this gorgeous room!
Thanks for all the lovely comments from the previous post...much appreciated! Tracey xx

the dinner project, week 25

Monday June 21: bangers and mash at Charlie's Portobello Road Café in Notting Hill, London

Tuesday June 22: leftover fish wok (made by my sister Mari and Sølve on Monday while I was still in London)

Wednesday June 23: spicy scampi salad with asparagus, peaches, different kinds of lettuce, yellow and red bell pepper (photo above)

Thursday June 24: whole grain noodles with rose fish, mussels and scampi

Friday June 25: dinner in the car at Hemsedalsfjellet on our way to Oslo: leftovers from Thursday (without mussels though) + roasted vegetables (photo here)

Saturday June 26: dinner at my friend's place in Oslo: shredded chicken with cured ham and pine nuts, different kinds of lettuce, cherry tomatoes, shredded parmasan cheese and focaccia bread

Sunday June 27: dinner in the sun outside the car somewhere between Flåm and Gudvangen on our way home to Bergen: sandwiches with mayonnaise, salami and apple + crispbread with brown cheese + snow peas + grapes

Saturday, June 26, 2010


So do not break the design of new car companies. Today we are witnessing the same thing a number of super cars. In addition, the company does not get tired of working so hard for designers too (it would be necessary to find the secret of this energy too!) One company that is designing the cars are so simple, and recently has been a super car,
the designers do a lot for them. It is now the company is one of the most popular on the streets and has become a real connection to all producers. This plant is called a friend of Nissan. In 2007, Nissan had decided to take their cars to a new level and therefore the Nissan Skyline GT-R was released. Coming out like an old school Skyline supercar has received a lot of changes. It seems as if the whole car is not even the face of such land. This created a lot of chaos on the market, as it was one of the car, shifted the car is full of super street tuner cars. In 2009, Nissan introduced the variant of the car. This version is known as SpecV. However, this option had taken my life, when he appeared. New SpecV includes a new carbon fiber rear spoiler. With the brake duct and the grille is made of carbon fiber as well. The car is made in Black Opal black rims looks nice. Interior design is now a custom Recaro seats, carbon fiber console and panels are made of carbon fiber.


SpecV can be powered from a 3.8-liter V6 engine. New gear to increase the controller allows the car is increased impetus to provide more torque. Titanium exhaust with the assembly of the suspension made the car less than half as much as important as the upper half. SpecV has decided to launch in Japan only for now. So you should better put your chop sticks, not to buy this car is a big mistake.