Tuesday, July 27, 2010

the dinner project, week 29

Monday July 19: at my in-laws': my mother-in-law's homemade fish and vegetable soup

Tuesday July 20: at the mountain cabin: grilled filet mignon with Greek salad

Wednesday July 21: at the mountain cabin: grilled filet mignon with Ausdalen stew (photo above)

Thursday July 22: at the mountain cabin: white bean and feta salad with self-caught mountain trout

Friday July 23: at the mountain cabin: leftover tapas; pancakes, Parma ham, hardboiled eggs, roquefort, honey, cucumber and red bell pepper

Saturday July 24: at the mountain cabin: smoked Greenland halibut, boiled potatoes and broccoli, and egg butter

Sunday July 25: at the mountain cabin: grilled entrecote and slices of leg of lamb, salad and guacamole with green bell pepper

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