Tuesday, July 6, 2010

bigger photos

A little while ago I told you that I'm considering having bigger photos here in this space. I don't know any kind of coding, but thanks to Google I finally figured out how to make the photos bigger.

It started with a tip from Monika (unfortunately I no longer have the link to her blog) a while ago about how to increase the overall width of the blog + the photo. I followed her tip and made the header wider too. Then I came across this; a very useful tip about setting up a private test blog. Finally I followed this simple guide on how to enlarge photos on Blogger. I created a "test hei Astrid" blog where I played around with different settings until I got it all right.

I don't plan to change the size of all photos in my blog archive, so there will for ever be a very visual partition of before and after big photos. I think I'm ok with that.

Stay tuned for the next post - with bigger photos!

Edit: Well, so I did change the size of the photos in a few of the most recent posts... It looks better, don't you think? Or no?

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