Wednesday, July 14, 2010

roadtrip: Bergen - Oslo

Tomorrow I'm going on my longest ever solo roadtrip (ca 650 km), so I thought it would be fitting to show you some photos taken with my cameraphone on our last roadtrip in the end of June.

Somewhere close to Gudvangen and Flåm. The mountains here are pretty cool.

It rained when we drove over Hemsedalfjellet. We had dinner inside the car. The sun came out a few km after.

Hemsedal is really nice. My sister Mari has skied a lot here.

How about a little forrest on your roof?

Sunset along Krøderen. So nice. In 1990 I was on my first ever girl scout camp in this area.

I'll show you more photos from our roadtrip back home to Bergen later today.

So, tell me, do you enjoy roadtrips?

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