Friday, August 27, 2010

Hardangervidda hiking, 2010 edition

One week ago we went hiking at Hardangervidda with my parents, just like we did last year. This time we parked one car at Tinnhølen and one at Halne Fjellstova. Friday started with a boat trip across Halnefjorden and a 3 hours hike to Rauhelleren, where we also stayed last year. It's one of my favorite cabins at Hardangervidda. After a perfect Saturday morning breakfast with homemade bread and homemade rhubarb jam, we started the 7 hours (ca 24 km) hike to Sandhaug. It was a really beautiful hike, although our feet were a bit sore when we arrived at Sandhaug - but it was nothing a warm shower and a cold beer couldn't fix. Sunday we hiked the 3,5 hours to our Saab at Tinnhølen. The very smart mr and mrs Mykletun had left their car key in mum and dad's Audi, so dad had to get a lift with strangers to Halne to get the Audi and the Saab key, and then come back to us. Our clever plan with one car in either end of the hike kind of failed... Other than that, it was an absolutely fantastic hike! PS: I saw a tiny mouse swim. Have you ever seen that?

about Hardangervidda | The Norwegian Trekking Association

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