Monday, August 16, 2010

island weekend, 2010 edition

One summer weekend, a five hours roadtrip + two ferry rides, a Ryfylke island, a cabin with a view, 12 grown ups, two 10 months old boys, a dog, sun, sea, swim, pancakes with bacon for breakfast, fishing, picking blueberries for homemade blueberry liqueur, darts games, reading books in the grass, daydreaming in hammocks, bbq, Cuba Libres, pastel colored sunsets, campfire, guitar, singing, stars... Heavenly bliss!

2009 edition | Ombo

Btw, this is my 1000th post since the humble start on June 11, 2007. Thank you all so much for visiting hei Astrid. This blogging journey would not have been the same without you.

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