Wednesday, August 11, 2010

IKEA catalogue launch, part I

As I mentioned yesterday, the launch of the 2011 IKEA catalouge in Bergen took place in interior architect and Norsk Stil blogger Linda's house.

Kudos to the local IKEA peeps for coming up with this genius location! Why haven't this been done before? IKEA is all about home decorating after all. Also cheers to Linda for opening her home to curious strangers, press and bloggers. I have followed Linda's super blog since the start, and I always love when she posts bits and pieces from her stylish home. Now I got a chance to see it for real. Or almost for real - IKEA did of course influence her interior a bit. (The sign says "this is our home".)

The event started with a few delicious Swedish nibblies, prepared by chefs from the IKEA restaurant.

The very lovely Linda and a few of the 30-40 guests. Btw, those book shelves are just my style.

I got a sneek peek of the local IKEA manager's speech...

...while people enjoyed their food.

To be continued.

PS: Here and here are Linda's report from the event.

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