Sunday, August 8, 2010

the dinner project, week 31

Monday August 2: white bean, feta and tomato salad

Tuesday August 3: roasted Salma salmon with lemon pepper, salt and lemon + spinach with onion, garlic, feta and parsley (photo above)

Wednesday August 4: spicy bbq skewers with filet of pork, onion, tomatoes, red bell pepper and apple

Thursday August 5: rosemary baked wolffish with asparagus, red bell pepper and onion simmered in meat stock and a little butter.

Friday August 6: at our friends' place: first course: asparagus wrapped in Parma ham + salmon carpaccio, main course: a teppanyaki style meal

Saturday August 7: hot dogs

Sunday August 8: with my in-laws: first course: pan fried scallops with asparagus, main course: homemade fish cakes (a la these) with salad (little gem lettuce, rocket, watermelon, snap peas), dessert: homemade apple cake and vanilla icecream

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