Sunday, December 26, 2010

answers, part II

my mom's collection of Santas

Here is the second batch of questions and answers from the giveaway:

Silvia asked:
Of the many things how the internet has influenced our life, what aspect do you value most?

Inspiration to become a better photographer. I joined Flickr in May 2005 and was overwhelmed with all the beautiful photos I saw there. Looking at other people’s photos has definitely taught me a lot and I think it has made me a better photographer.

Katherine asked:
If you could live anywhere else in the world, where would you live?

I already answered this; number five here.

Christine asked:
Is your house (flat) EVER messy?

Yes, of course it is. But I prefer a tidy home, so it’s not messy for long.

Inga asked:
Do you believe in god?


Jenna asked:
What is the best decision you've ever made? And also, what's the best dinner you've ever had?

To become Sølve’s girlfriend in May 2008.

It is impossible to answer this. I have had so many wonderful meals; both because of the delicious food, but also because of the lovely company.

Danielle asked:
How did you get into photography?

My dad has always been an eager photographer, so I think he inspired me to start shooting. I got my first point and shoot camera when I was 10 years old, and ever since then I have been a happy snapper.

Whitney asked:
If you were going to move, where would you want to live next?

I already answered this; number five here.

Hanna asked:
What is your favorite food?

Pizza is high on the list.

Stephen asked:
What's your favorite childhood memory?

I don’t think I have one favorite; but I remember well the joy of being on summer vacation with my family in Denmark and having fun in the pool all day long.

Diana asked:
Which travelling you will remember forever? What place has impressed you ever so much?

Svalbard and South Africa were equally exotic and impressive.

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