Thursday, December 30, 2010

answers, part V

decoration on my mum's christmas tree

Here is the fifth and last batch of questions and answers from the giveaway:

Rita asked:
I love your "Everyday Stories" and the daily outfits. Do you care about clothes, style and fashion, or you just grab something to put on everyday?

I'm glad to hear that. I never thought of it as showing my daily outfits though ;-) I care more about style than fashion, and I always try to not just grab something in the morning to wear.

Lisa asked:
Where do you find the I shoot film participants?

Mostly on Flickr.

Janelle asked:
Astrid, what do you see yourself doing five years from now?

Hopefully I’m a mom, still working as a writer and maybe even more as a photographer.

Pernille asked:
If you were to choose one country you could visit, or go back to, which country would you choose?

I would love to visit India, where I have never been. And I always want to go back to Italy, where I have been several times.

Vigdis asked:
Who is your favorite photographer(s)?

There are several photographers I admire, for example; my sister Mari, Lori, Charlotte, Alison, Lars, Molly, Ashley, Brian, Lara, Michelle, Tom

Norma asked:
What do you consider the best part of any day?


Sonja asked:
I'd like to know if there is any place you could choose to live, where would it be?

I already answered this; number five here.

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Thank you all for participating in my giveaway. I had fun getting to know you better and answering your questions.

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