Wednesday, December 29, 2010

answers, part IV

christmas beer tasting at my parents' place

Here is the fourth batch of questions and answers from the giveaway:

Shafina asked:
If given the chance to photography any subject, anywhere in the world - where would it be and why?

Good question! Light is my muse, so I would travel the world to shoot different kinds of light.

Delia asked:
My question is what the best meal you ever ate/made?

I already answered this; number 15 here.

Emily asked:
What has been your favourite 'moment' today?

Seeing the morning sun shine on the red poinsettia and the white and green amaryllis bouquet on the dining table in my parents' livingroom.

May asked:
What would you want as your very last meal on this earth?

I think the food itself would not be so important, rather the company.

Claudia asked:
I would like to know what is the trigger that make you take a picture? Do you plan your shots or is it a decision of the moment, a sudden inspiration?

I hardly ever plan my photos. Light is an important trigger, so are colors and random moments.

Emma asked:
What is your favourite thing about Norway?

The nature.

Julia asked:
Will you ever (well, not EVER, but in the near future) join a " A photo a day project" or "365days" or "Year In Pictures (YIP)" and start taking pictures on a daily basis and upload them?

Yes. (I did it in 2008 and made this book.)

Daniela asked:
What is the goal of your life? (I know is an hard question, but also a simple one..I will answer to this saying my goal is to FULLY LIVE my life...and you?)

My goal is to be happy.

Hege asked:
Do you have a secret hobby that you haven’t mentioned on your blog?

I don’t think I have mentioned that I love playing board games.

Lauren asked:
What is your favorite novel?

I already answered this; number 30 here.

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