Saturday, December 4, 2010

Christmas in our home

The December challenge over at NIB (Norwegian interior blogs) is (of course) Christmas decoration.

Canon EOS 500N, Fuji pro 160C

I have mentioned before that I'm generally not really into decorating with all kinds of knick knacks. I have also mentioned before that I'm not really into Christmas decoration either. We always go home to our parents in Sandnes for Christmas, so that is were all the decoration is happening - which is absolutely lovely.

We have only recently started buying a Christmas tree, mostly because of Sølve's office Christmas dinner at our place. I must admit that I quite like it. Especially the smell of spruce - that's Christmas to me! This year Sølve invited his colleagues to the house at Voss, so we skipped the tree. Side note: I joined Sølve to Voss Thursday night to defrost the house; it was +1°C inside when we got there and -18°C outside. Brrrr!

The only decoration I have so far this year, are the red tea light holders as seen above and here. I bought them for our wedding, and now they are part of our simple Christmas decoration. The photo above is from last year. I loved decorating with holly - plus bowls of clementines and nuts, red placemats and lots of candle light. That's Christmas in our home.

There are more Christmas photos in this god jul set on my Flickr.

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