Wednesday, December 8, 2010

the french organic farm

It's time to show you more photos from my trip to Cognac in September.

We visited one of the farms that delivers wine to the production of Braastad's organic cognac. Daughter Pauline has recently taken over the farm from her dad Jean Franzois Decriox.

We got a tour of the farm and were told lots about organic farming. The Decrioxs are really passionate about their work. My fellow traveler Camilla wrote about it in her article for Side 2. You can read it here (in Norwegian).

This might be the best lunch spot ever, don't you think?!

The farm house had perfect rustic French charm.

It was a delicious feast and the atmosphere was so special; laid back and so real. It started to rain a bit at one point, but it didn't really matter. We just moved the table even more under the tree, and kept on eating and drinking.

See those figs above? (See them bigger here.) Straight from the tree and THE BEST I have ever had! They were so juicy, sweet and tasty.

Braastad Organic was launched in early September and is available in Norway at Vinmonopolets bestillingsutvalg (here). Master blender Richard's own My Selection was also launched then.

The photos above are a mix of digital shots taken with Canon 40D, black & white Rollei Retro 100 taken with Olympus mju, Kodak Portra 160vc and Agfa Precisa 100 taken with Canon EOS 500N.

Flickr set: France: Cognac

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