Wednesday, December 1, 2010

new to me

(My dad and) I have a new old camera; Minolta SRT 101. It's practically the same camera as my dad's old Minolta SRT 303 (scroll down and read about it here), with minor differences. It seems like my dad used his 303 so much since he bought it in 1974 that it somehow wore out; the lens won't lock to the camera body properly. Antonio Stasi had a look at it, but it will be way too much hassle to try to find spare parts and repair it - it's not worth it. Instead he sold me this 101, which means I can still use all dad's old lenses. Happiness!

Today I loaded it with a Fuji Pro 160S film and took it out for a test shooting photo walk. I find shooting with a manual camera (it has a light meter) great fun. It has such a different feel to it than shooting with my Canon EOS 500N, which is a much more modern camera. Well, the new to me Minolta SRT 101 works very well; and I'll show you the test results later.

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