Wednesday, December 1, 2010

October autumn

In October I loaded my little Olympus mju compact camera with a Kodak Portra 160vc film to check if it was still working properly after this weird incidence (described in the comments below the photo). Turns out everything is all right, it just prefers color film instead of black & white film. It has acted weird with the last two black & white films, but now with the color film it was fine. Seems like the black & white film might be thicker than color films, so that might be the problem.

This autumn has been surprisingly lovely. So much drier than we are used to here in Bergen. All the pretty autumn leaves are now gone and the branches are bare. It has been below zero (Celsius) for a couple of weeks and it's starting to feel a lot like winter. I'm getting eager to start the skiing season soon. I think it's time to close the autumn set on Flickr and open the winter set. It is December 1st today after all.

How about you, are you ready for winter yet?

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