Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Canon EOS 500N, Fuji Velvia 100F

I just finished watching a documentary about planned obsolescence called Pyramids of Waste, Garantert kort levetid in Norwegian. It was very interesting - you should see it too. Find it here. Most of the talking is in English, and a little bit is in German and French. There are Norwegian subtitles. It will only be online until December 14th.

The theme for this documentary is spot on the theme for a new and exciting project I have started together with graphic designer Trine Hisdal (she doesn't have a real online home yet). I will show and tell more about it later, but you can already mark the date April 1st, which will be our official launch and vernissage.

Edit: Siri made me aware that you can not watch the documentary on NRK web TV unless you are in Norway. So sorry to tease you guys! :-(

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